jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Differences between boys and girls

In her study about sex Susan Gilbert talking about some surprising differences between embryos boys and girls: 

- Often, duration of childbirth at the birth of the boy is longer than at the birth of the girl;

- It seems that a male child is under stress more easily than the female child;

- Often child boy raises Pandemonium, he cries more easily and finds difficult to be more restless than girls;

- The girl often be able to eye contact as early as the boy, she also becomes sociable before the boy in her childhood;

- Boys are more edgy than girls and learn skills related to restraint more slowly;

- Boys are more active physically and choose the most competitive games than girls do;

- Boys seem more fragile emotionally than girls and find more difficult to adapt to changes in routine as well as dealing with parent’s anger and depression;

- Girls usually develop motor's and language's abilities before boys.

There is no doubt that these differences are the common differences, while the person that is your son is unique does not look like any another boy. And with the passage of years you discover distinctive and wonderful young man who is your son.

From the book of: Cherly L. Erwin

vendredi 7 août 2015

What you must avoid when reading to child

After the article How to get kids interested in reading i bring to you an other article about reading to you child but in this time i will show you some rules you must avoid when you are reading:

- Do not  complete reading  story when it's clear that the story is not appropriate or is not good,  Stop immediately and admitted it was not a good choice.

- Keep in mind that some of stories start with slow and uninteresting beginnings. Remember that your review of the story before reading it to your children,  will avoid the problem.

- Do not think that reading everything is good, your selection of stories is very important.

- Do not feel that you have a commitment to connect each story with what your child has learned in school, reading should be fun before all.

- Do not over-relax while reading the story; it may make you feel sleepy.

- Do not impose values and your understanding of the story to your child; it is sufficient that the story be fun, and provides you a lot to talk about with your child after the completion of the story.
- Do not embarrass your child by reading stories which are not suit him, Make sure that the stories be suitable for mental and emotional abilities at that phase.

- Do not use reading stories as a way to force your child to do what you want, because this way makes him losing the desire to read with time.

- Do not read stories that you feel not enjoy it, because your boring will appear in your features.


jeudi 6 août 2015

How to get kids interested in reading

All parents wish their children to grow up in a perfect way to become distinguished people in the future.
Among the ways to make the child a distinct is reading because it develops the mental and intellectual level.
In this subject i present to you a set of rules to develop the ability and love of reading to your child.

- Start reading to your child early, because if you start early in it, it will be easily for your child to accept the reading.

- Firstly, choose stories for your child where they are Selected, which means it contains many repetitions to stimulate his capacity to speak and listen.

- Read with your child every opportunity and as much as you can keep his attention and his desire to follow-up.

- Start with stories with photos and contain few words, then gradually begin to move to the books with more words and fewer pictures.

- The first time you read a certain story, point to the images on the cover and mention the title of the story and ask them what they expect to be the subject of the story.

- The good mood is a very important factor to accept your child to read. Orders such as "Sit well, stop doing that and listen... doesn’t help the child to love reading.

- From time to the other choose a story you think it outweigh your child's current capabilities and read it to him, it’s good to challenge the capabilities of your child from time to other.

- Some children may hesitate and cannot sit idle while reading, you can give him paper and pen so he preoccupied with them while you read to him. So he gets used to sit for awhile and listen to the stories.

- At the beginning of the story, give your child the opportunity for few minutes in order to settle and prepare physically and mentally to listen to the story.

- While reading an illustrated book   be sure that your child is able to see the pictures clearly.

- Remember that the Talent of reading stories to your child does not come instinctively for each fathers and mothers, so you have to practice it often to master it.

- Organizing time where children read themselves, even if it means they only look at the pictures and turning the pages.

- Of the most common mistakes when reading to child is reading quickly, so read quietly to make sure that your kid is able to imagine what you read.

- Evaluate and review the book before reading it to your child, this gives you the opportunity to see parts that you might want to prolongation in it and explained it, in addition to some of the parts that you want to avoid mentioned it in the story for any reason.

- When your child wants to read to you, it is best to choose an easy story to read.

- Encourage your older children to read to their younger brothers.

vendredi 12 juin 2015

Reading to your child

From birth to the first year:

In the first months, embrace your child, read to him, speak to him and sing to him.

Between 3-6 months of age, your child will begin to enjoy the view of the mirrors and facial pictures, shapes and colors. And he will begin the issuance of voices, and extending his hand to touch the images. So choose books with interesting pictures and texture. 

Between 6-12 months of age, your child sitting on your lap, looks at the pictures, touches the book, and perhaps puts the book in his mouth. Use the books made of plastic and cardboard, point to and call the pictures for your child.

From one to two years:

From 12-18 months of age, your child may enjoy the selection of books from the shelf, will sit and hold the book, and turn the pages. Follow your child's interest in reading to be losing interest in the book. Ask your child questions and wait his answers, like "Where's the dog?"  And "What does the dog say?".

From 18-24 months of age, your child may start naming familiar objects and says a few words in familiar stories. He even claims to have read to the dolls and games and recalls parts of the stories. When you read, stop to ask your child "What is this?", and give him time to answer. 

From two to three years:

At this age, your child will be able to deal with paper books. And he will begin to understand the relationship between the pictures and the story, and he may make opinion and looking for his favorite books and of his favorite images. Be prepared to read the same book over and over again. Ask questions about what is happening in the book, relate the story by familiar things to the child and experiences that he had passed, Try dropping some of the words from the end of rhyme sentences And give your child the opportunity to fill in the missing word.

More than three years:

At this age, your child will be able to turn pages one after the other. He will be able to listen to longer stories and telling the familiar stories using his simple vocabulary. Also he begins to differentiate the letters and numbers and identify them. Ask him questions such as: "How many balls? Let’s count them together! What is happening now? What will happen? Look for books that help the child to learn the practical lessons as making friends, and going to school....

Encourage him to say, paints and read stories written by him.